Map offline: Green Trails Maps No 206S
Map online: TerraServer USA
Trailhead coordinate: Lat: 47.487194, Long:-121.722250; Alt: 660 ft.
Elevation gain: 3,507 ft.
Max elevation: Lat: 47.507778, Long: -121.738889; Alt: 4,167 ft.
Hike time: up ↑ 4:00; break ↔ 0:45; down ↓ 2:15; Total ⇅ 7:00
Effort: Slow and Steady
Trail difficulty: Difficult

This was my first attempt at Mt. Si for the season. Christina and I did the full climb including the haystack in approximately 7 hours. We were taking it very slow and steady. The weather was very poor until the very end of the hike where the clouds cleared right when we were at the top. Here are some pictures:

The haystack rock at the top! 200 ft. scramble to the top.
Christina rests durring ascent of the haystack
View from the top, looking down on the Snoqualamie river.
View from the top, looking down on North Bend.
From one peak to another.
Me at the top.
Christina at the top.
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