Map offline: Green Trails Maps™ No 205S
Map online: TerraServer USA
Trailhead coordinate: Lat: 47.435171, Long: -121.768513; Alt: 920 ft.
Elevation gain: 1,159 ft.
Max elevation: Lat: 47.436111, Long: -121.778734; Alt: 2,079 ft.
Hike time: up ↑ 1:00; break ↔ 0:15; down ↓ 0:40; Total ⇅ 1:55
Effort: Relaxed
Trail difficulty: Easy

Matt, John, and I went on a quick jaunt up Rattlesnake Ledge near the conclusion of the holliday weekend. This trail is an old stand-by, with a well maintained path and excellent views. Here are some shots from the hike:
A small rock. Aren't you glad you weren't there when that came tumbling down the mountain?
The view of Rattlesnake Lake from a lookout on the way up.
Mount Si (and little Si next to it) looms in the distance.
A mountain vista from the Ledge.
It was a party up there! Not the most crowded I've seen it, but close.
John pauses to get his picture taken.
Not framed exactly how I wanted it, but some pretty colors. Notice the shadow of Rattlesnake ledge down onto the lake.
Another mountain vista. Wow, I really got carried away with the pictures today.
Since I brought the big lens... Check out the wakes these swimmers created.
Matt makes secret contact with the man in charge.
I have no idea who this person is, but they appear to be thinking about something important.
The last of the mountain vistas, I promise. Probably the best pic of the bunch too.
Rattlesnake ledge is a really rewarding, and very accessable hike. I highly recommend it!