Map offline: TBD
Map online: TerraServer USA
Trailhead coordinate: Lat: TBD, Long: TBD; Alt: 1880 ft.
Elevation gain: 3,749 ft.
Max elevation: Lat: TBD, Long: TBD; Alt: 5,629 ft.
Hike time: up ↑ 3:30; break ↔ 0:15; down ↓ 1:45; Total ⇅ 5:30
Effort: Hard
Trail difficulty: Most difficult
I'm more than a little late in updating the blog. But I'm going to make up for it with a lot of pictures! Graham, John, and I met up around 10:00am (read 11:00am) and headed out to the trailhead. Granite mountain was great fun. It had it all: flat dirt trails, steep dirt trails, meadow walks, waterfall crossings, boulder scrambles, and snow traverses. However, I had a really tough time keeping up with Graham and John! Mental note: eat food before a hike like this!
The last section of the hike is a boulder scramble, which was great fun. There, we met another hiker, Linda, who joined our party (not pictured here for fear of reprisal.) At the top we had lunch and good conversation after which we exchanged contact information with Linda so she could join in our future hikes. If you follow this blog, you'll notice that I'm dragging someone new kicking a screaming every week. I'm always happy to have some fresh blood.
Oh yeah, I promised pictures:

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