5.5* mile round trip (*estimated mileage)
Map offline: Green Trails Maps No 204S
Map online:
TerraServer USATrailhead coordinate:
Lat: 47.519364, Long:-122.029819; Alt: 170 ft.
Elevation gain: 1,650 ft.
Max elevation:
Lat: 47.499364, Long: -122.008229; Alt: 1,820 ft.
Hike time: up ↑ x:xx; break ↔ 0:10; down ↓ 1:30; Total⇅ 1:40+up
Effort: Relaxed
Trail difficulty: Moderate

First hike of the season!
Last Sunday, April 15th, John and I did our (my) first hike of the season, Poo Poo Point. Poo Poo Point is on Tiger Mountain in Issaquah, WA. Hangliders and parasailers can commonly be found launching from the point.
The weather was mixed, ranging from 65 and sunny to 40 and freezing rain. Unfortunatey, at the summit it was the later.
Got a few nice pics along the way:

This hike is the season starter, from here its on to bigger and better things.
Drive east on I-90 and take the Front St Exit (Exit 17). Make a right at Front St and turn left at Sunset Way. Turn right on 2nd Avenue, drive just past Issaquah High School and find the trailhead parking area on the left, just before the light at 2nd Avenue and Front St. Follow the trail from the parking lot, and as you pass the high school stadium take a trail coming in from the right. When you reach the power lines, you can choose from a trail towards West Tiger 3, or one to Poo Poo Point. The Poo Poo Point trail is on the right. 4 miles or so into the hike, you will see a sign that indicates the Poo Poo Point trail is back the way you came. Don't let this dissuade you, you've only got a quarter mile to go.